【Scholarship】第71回(2023)帝人久村奨学生【修士課程】(留学生)募集について Teijin Scholarship Foundation


If you wish to apply, please read the guidelines carefully, consult about application support to your prospective laboratory first, and email to the Office of Student Affairs as a Pre-application by the following deadline.

推薦枠と順位について (Recommendation slot and ranking method)
京都大学からの推薦数(Number of recommendation ):1名
医学研究科の推薦順位: 5位 ( Glad Sch Med is fifth in our university ranking system)
*Due to the method of recommendation at Kyoto University, we may not be able to get the recommendation slot if some other high-ranking graduate schools apply for this scholarship.

【 事前申請】
事前申請期限: 2023年2月3日(金) 17時まで
Pre-application deadline: by 17:00, Friday, February 3, 2023
メール件名(Title of email): 帝人久村奨学生(修士課程・留学生)事前申請
本文(Body): 氏名(name)、受験番号(examination number)、国籍(Nationariy)、奨学金受給/申請中等の有無(Current info of other scholarship receiving/applying)

1.対象者: 本研究科修士課程に正規生として20223年4月に在籍(入学)予定の私費留学生
Eligible applicants: Applicants must be international students who will be enrolled in the master’s degree programs of the Graduate School of Medicine as of April 2023.

Field designation: medicine/pharmacy/biology, science, engineering, informatics, etc.

3.奨学金月額: 50,000円
Monthly Stipend: 50,000 yen

4.奨学金支給期間: 2023年4月から正規の修士課程修了年月まで
Duration of Stipend: From April 2023 until completion of your master’s degree program

02 帝人奨学会募集要項(日) 03 帝人奨学会募集要項(英)
04 帝人奨学生志願者調書
05 帝人奨学生推薦調書
06 個人情報の取扱いについてとその同意書

5. 提出書類:募集要項記載の書類および 「奨学金申請にかかる同意書」※推薦が決定した場合のみ
Application Documents: As the guideline mentioned and Declaration of Understanding and Agreement. *It is only for students who have decided to be recommended

6. 提出先:(Place of submission): 医学研究科教務課大学院教務掛 C棟1F
Office of Student Affairs of Graduate School of Medicine, 1st floor, Building C
e-mail:kyoumu-in [at ] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp   *[at] change to @


推薦が決定した場合 It is only for students who have decided to be recommended
【提出書類】Documents submission 
提出期限: 2023年2月15日(金) 17時まで
Deadline for application documents:  17:00, Friday, February 15, 2023

Please note, the document submission is expected through the laboratory, especially for the applicants not coming to Japan yet.


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  3. 【Scholarship】第71回(2023)帝人久村奨学生【修士課程】(留学生)募集について Teijin Scholarship Foundation