If you wish to apply for this scholarship, check the guideline on the following website, and submit application materials to the International Education and Student Mobility Division during the application period.
*This information is also posted on KULASIS here:
募集概要 ※詳しくは財団ホームページより募集要項をご確認ください
Application outline: *Please check the application guidelines for details at the above website.
月額奨学金: 約15~20万円(※支給額は為替レート等により変動する)
Monthly Stipend: (Approximately) 150,000yen upto 200,000yen
*Also, entrance and tuition fees will be covered separately.
国籍制限 :募集要項に記載のアジア国籍(京都大学特別枠は中国籍の応募不可)
Countries limit: ASIAN, please check the application guidelines.
Please note, Chinese nationality is not eligible for Kyoto University special slot.
Application Period : [ From April 1 to April 10, 2023, 17:00 p.m. (Japan time).]
Eligibility: *please check the above website.
・An International student who obtained a bachelor’s degree from the designated universities and will newly be enrolled in the Master’s programs at the Graduate School of Medicine in April 2024.
*Students already enrolled at Kyoto University ( as research students, etc.) can also apply if they meet the application conditions.
・An International student who obtained (will be) a bachelor’s degree at Kyoto University, and will be enrolled in the Master’s program at the Graduate School of Medicine in April 2024.
Designate countries and universities can be found in the guideline
提出先 Submit to
京都大学教育推進・学生支援部国際教育交流課 AFLSP担当
AFLSP Coordinator
International Education and Student Mobility Division, Kyoto University
E-mail: AFLSP@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
*Question accept only in Japanese or English