Those who wish to apply, confirm the conditions (must meet all the eligibility) in the application guideline and submit the documents as follows.
詳細は募集要項を確認すること。Please check the application guidelines for details
【募集概要 Application outline】
1.対象者: 本研究科に正規生として在籍する(or 2023年4月入学予定)私費留学生で、応募時に日本に在住している者
国籍制限: バングラデシュ、ブータン、ブルネイ、カンボジア、インド、インドネシア、ラオス、マレーシア、モルディブ、ミャンマー、ネパール、パキスタン、フィリピン、シンガポール、スリランカ、タイ、東ティモール、ベトナム
Eligibility: An international student who enrolled(or will be enrolled in April 2023) in a degree-seeking program at the Graduate School of Medicine, and who lives in Japan at the time of application.
Nationality: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam
*Please check the application guideline.
2.奨学金支給期間: 2年間 (2023年4月~2025年3月まで) 詳細は募集要項記載
Duration of the Scholarship: 2 years (from April 2023 to March 2025)
3.奨学金月額: 18万円
Monthly stipend: 180,000 yen
4. 財団募集人数: 若干名
Total Number of recipients: a few people
【申請手順 Application procedure】
Download the application guideline from the foundation website and check the eligibility
財団ホームページ: https://sisf.or.jp/ja/about_application/
(2)書類提出期限: 2022年12月19日(月)17:00時
Deadline for documents submission: December 19, 2022, 17:00PM
* It including complete the foundation online form.
* “Agreement of application for scholarships” is required to submit to the university.
【書類作成等の留意事項】Note for applicaiton documents
フォームの入力項目のうち、[4] 申請学校(留学生課)管理番号付番学校の登録については、
件名: 佐藤陽奨学金(春募集)申請
本文: 氏名、学生番号(入学予定者は受験番号)、国籍、他の奨学金受給/申請中の有無
1.All the application documents need to fill the “Receipt Number” that can receive after completing the online application form at the foundation website.
However, entering the form needs some university information, please request it before the documents deadline via email. *Please avoid emailing it on the day of the 19th just in case.
The title of the email:
The Body must be including ”your name, student ID number (For students enrolled in 2023 is examination number required), nationality, and other scholarship info receiving/ applying”.
2. Forms 1 to 3 must be in Japanese handwriting (hiragana is acceptable) with a black ballpoint pen.
3. The letter of recommendation and evaluation need to fill in both the “Receipt number” and the “Management number”.
【応募の留意事項】NOTE of applying
・Cannot be combined with other scholarships. (including the JASSO, MIP Research Fellows, KU Glad program RF etc. )
・Recipents are required to attend the certification ceremony in April 2023.
・Must understand the “Foundation Regulations” (https://sisf.or.jp/en/scholarship/regulations/) posted on the foundation website before applying. Violation of the rules may result in the suspension of scholarship or disqualification.
医学研究科教務課(医学キャンパス C棟1F)
The office of Student Affairs Graduate School of Medicine,1F, Building C
Email: Kyoumu-in [at] mail2.adm.ac.jp *please change [at] to @