ASHBi Distinguished Seminar / | Dr. Katherine S. Pollard from University of California San Francisco

2024年4月1日に Katherine S. Pollard 博士をお招きし、ASHBi Distinguished Seminarを開催します。

Katherine S. Pollard 博士(UCSF教授、グラッドストーン研究所Data Science & Biotechnologyディレクター)は、比較ゲノミクス研究分野における第一人者であり、チンパンジーゲノムプロジェクトの一環としてヒト加速領域(HARs)を同定したことで世界的知られています。また、Pollard博士は、ENCODEプロジェクトのアドバイザー、psychENCODEやズーノミアプロジェクトの一員としても貢献されています。本セミナーでは、”what makes us human”の遺伝的背景を理解するための最新解析技術についてお話し頂きます。


We will have ASHBi Distinguished Seminar with Dr. Katherine S. Pollard as a lecturer.

Dr. Katherine S. Pollard, Professor of University of California San Francisco and Director of Gladstone Institute of Data Science & Biotechnology, is a leading scientist in the field of comparative genomics. She pioneered the identification of Human Accelerated Regions (HARs), the fastest evolving regions in the human genome, as part of the Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium project. Dr. Pollard also serves as an advisor to the ENCODE project and as a member of psychENCODE and Zoonomia consortium projects. She will talk about emerging technologies and informatics to understand the genetic background of what makes us human.

If you have any interest in the topic, you are welcome to attend this seminar.


  • 2024/4/1

    14:00 – 15:00 [JST]


医学部B棟地下大会議室 / Conference Room (B1F, Faculty of Medicine Bldg. B)


講演タイトル / Title
Decoding the Evolutionary Histories and Functions of Human Accelerated Regions

講師 / Lecturer
Dr. Katherine S. Pollard
Director, Gladstone Institute of Data Science & Biotechnology
Professor, University of California San Francisco
Investigator, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub



登録 / Registration |


無料 / Free


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  2. イベント・セミナー
  3. ASHBi Distinguished Seminar / | Dr. Katherine S. Pollard from University of California San Francisco