8/2 (Wed.) 16:00-17:00 Prof. Adrian Hayday(Principal Research Scientist, Francis Crick Institute / Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London)

この度、イギリスFrancis Crick Institute/King’s College London の Adrian Hayday 博士
(Principal Research Scientist, Francis Crick Institute /Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London)を講師にお迎えし、
2023年8月2日(水) 16:00~ CiRA講堂にてセミナーを開催することとなりました。


This is an announcement of the CiRA seminar which you are warmly invited to join.
We would be grateful if you could please distribute this event notice to you.
We are inviting Prof. Adrian Hayday(Principal Research Scientist, Francis Crick Institute/Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London)as a guest speaker in a following upcoming seminar.
We sincerely look forward to your participation.


  • 2023/8/2



CiRA講堂 (CiRA本館1階 講堂) [15:45から入室可] ※参加申し込み不要。当日直接CiRA講堂にお越しください。

Onsite at CiRA, Bldg. I, Auditorium


【講演者】Prof. Adrian Hayday(Principal Research Scientist, Francis Crick Institute /Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London)
【タイトル】Clinically practical T cell immunotherapies recognising cell status rather than neoantigens
Current approaches to cancer immunotherapy borrow directly from antigen-specific, adaptive CD8 T cell responses to virus infection. In cancers such as those induced by papilloma viruses or Epstein Barr virus, the antigens are viral peptides presented by MHC, whereas in other cancers, “neo-antigens” are derived from autologous proteins mutated as a result of genome instability. Therapeutic “checkpoint inhibitors” promote such T cell responses and can be highly efficacious. However, they are also efficacious in tumours lacking MHC and/or with low mutational burden that are therefore not suited to ab T cell surveillance. These favourable clinical outcomes reflect an alternative means of tumour-targeting mediated by gd T cells that recognise combinatorial markers of cell pathology rather than specific antigens. Central to this recognition is the unique property of the gd T cell receptor (TCR) which can actively distinguish cancerous cells, using clonotypic recognition, from healthy cells which are detected by using TCRgd as an innate receptor. This property translates to a natural and practical therapeutic window that can explain promising clinical results from the direct application of gd T cells as cancer therapeutics, either unmodified or coupled to CAR-T. The presentation will focus on the underlying immunological mechanisms and their practical application.

【Speaker】Prof. Adrian Hayday(Principal Research Scientist, Francis Crick Institute/Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London)
【Title】 Clinically practical T cell immunotherapies recognising cell status rather than neoantigens
Current approaches to cancer immunotherapy borrow directly from antigen-specific, adaptive CD8 T cell responses to virus infection. In cancers such as those induced by papilloma viruses or Epstein Barr virus, the antigens are viral peptides presented by MHC, whereas in other cancers, “neo-antigens” are derived from autologous proteins mutated as a result of genome instability. Therapeutic “checkpoint inhibitors” promote such T cell responses and can be highly efficacious. However, they are also efficacious in tumours lacking MHC and/or with low mutational burden that are therefore not suited to ab T cell surveillance. These favourable clinical outcomes reflect an alternative means of tumour-targeting mediated by gd T cells that recognise combinatorial markers of cell pathology rather than specific antigens. Central to this recognition is the unique property of the gd T cell receptor (TCR) which can actively distinguish cancerous cells, using clonotypic recognition, from healthy cells which are detected by using TCRgd as an innate receptor. This property translates to a natural and practical therapeutic window that can explain promising clinical results from the direct application of gd T cells as cancer therapeutics, either unmodified or coupled to CAR-T. The presentation will focus on the underlying immunological mechanisms and their practical application.




なし / Free


主催・連絡先:CiRA 濱崎研究室
E-mail: hamazaki-g@cira.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tel: 075-366-7327
未来生命科学開拓部門 濱崎 洋子(代理送信:秘書 米村 綾)

Yoko Hamazaki
CiRA, Kyoto University
(Sent by Aya Yonemura)
Contact / hamazaki-g@cira.kyoto-u.ac.jp

  1. ホーム
  2. イベント・セミナー
  3. 8/2 (Wed.) 16:00-17:00 Prof. Adrian Hayday(Principal Research Scientist, Francis Crick Institute / Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London)