Ph.D. Professor Chikako Saotome
The creation of innovative medicines and medical devices originated in Japan is demanded improvement in Japanese economic competitiveness and human health. The transfer of universities’ basic research results to business is important for the realization of medical innovation. We are the pioneer of the management of technology in life science in Japan and aim to foster entrepreneurs and intellectual property managers for promoting technology transfer.
Research and Education
The knowledge of medical science, intellectual property law, and business in life science is required for the discovery and management, and application of intellectual property. Lectures about medical science are given by Kyoto university medical school. The department gives students basic knowledge and practice about intellectual property laws, especially patent law. We also give lectures about the life science industry such as management of technology and entrepreneurship.
Our themes for research in the second semester are management of technology and intellectual property in the life sciences. So far, we conducted research about technology transfer such as collaborative research. We also conducted the management of the intellectual property of medicine, medical device and regenerative medicine, and life science businesses such as biotech companies.
Recent Publications
- Chikako Saotome, “Importance of patent strategies on Business of Biotech Companies” LES Japan News, Vol.58, 46-54 (2017)
- Chikako Saotome “Investigation on patent applications of US biopharmaceutical companies” Intellectual Property Association of Japan, 2019
- Chikako Saotome et al., “Life-cycle management of orphan drugs in Japan” Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management, 2021
- Kiyoshi Seki et al., “Lifecycle management of orphan drugs approved in Japan” Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2022) 17: 299
- Chikako Saotome, “Academia-Industry Collaborations on COVID-19 Vaccine Developments” J. Intelleclual Property Association of Japan
Professor: Chikako Saotome, Ph.D
Professor: Shinobu Suzuki Ph.D
Special Appointment Professor: Yutaka Teranishi, Ph. D
Program-Specific Associate Professor:Hiroshi Suzuki
Lecturer: Taro Yamaguchi