Department of Palliative Nursing ・ Gerontological NursingSchool of Human Health Sciences

Professor Mika Miyashita

Developing a care to support people living with cancer is an important social challenge. Palliative care nursing is an academic discipline that creates nursing care to prevent and alleviate physical, psychological, social, and spiritual suffering for people of all ages who have experienced life-threatening illnesses such as cancer and their families, and to support their lives to the end life. We contribute to the maintenance and improvement of quality of life through the development and social implementation of nursing care that prevents and alleviates holistic suffering of cancer survivors.

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Research and Education

Our research interests focus on prevention and alleviating the suffering experienced by cancer survivors. Recently, we have conducted cross-sectional survey, scale development, longitudinal survey, and intervention studies focusing on cancer and cancer therapy-related cognitive impairment. We are also conducting international collaborative research with researchers in the United States in order to making world-class academic achievements.
As for education, we provide lectures and practical training in palliative care nursing and gerontological nursing at the undergraduate level, and promote researchers specializing in palliative care nursing and oncology nursing at the graduate course. In addition, the Advanced Practice Researcher Training Program in the Master’s Program facilitates students to develop highly knowledge and skills in oncology nursing and supports students in acquiring competencies of clinical nurse specialist.

1) Cognitive Training Equipment

2) Cognitive Training: Playing the cognitive game while pedaling

Recent Publications

  1. Myers J, Pathak HB, He J, Ghosh A, Puri RV, Asakura Y, Miyashita M. Combined Exercise and Game-Based Cognitive Training Intervention: Correlative Pilot Study of Neurotrophic and Inflammatory Biomarkers for Women with Breast Cancer. Cancer Nurs, 2022 Dec 1:10.1097/NCC.0000000000001175. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000001175. Online ahead of print.
  2. Tenda Y, Miyashita M, Yamada A, Shimizu C, Nakayama K, Honma N, Taira N, Sawaki M. Older patients’ experience of living with cognitive impairment related to hormone therapy for breast cancer: A qualitative study. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2022 Apr;57:102115. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2022.102115. Epub 2022 Feb 21.
  3. Yahiro Y, Miyashita M, Nasu K. Effects of an advance care planning training program for certified palliative care nurses in Japan. J Cancer Educ. 2023 Feb;38(1):357-363. doi: 10.1007/s13187-021-02125-9.
  4. Myers JS, Von Ah D, He J, Kim J, Miyashita M, Asakura Y, Williams K. Psycholinguistic Assessment of Cognitive Function in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Secondary Analysis. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2022 Oct 20;49(6):565-570. doi: 10.1188/22.ONF.565-570.
  5. Miyashita M, Tsukamoto N, Hashimoto M, Kajiwara K, Kako J, Okamura H. Validation of the Japanese Version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Cognitive Function Version 3. J Pain Symptom Manage, 59(1):139-146, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.09.027.


Professor: Mika Miyashita, Satoru Tsuneto
Associate Professor: Yuki Shirai
Assistant Professor: Takako Kuroda

Email: miyashita.mika.3w(at)
* Please replace “(at)” with “@”.

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