Nursing EthicsSchool of Human Health Sciences

R.N., Ph.D., M.P.H., FAAN, Associate Professor Sayaka Takenouchi

In our daily nursing practice, the question of "What is best for the person we care for?" is central. Addressing this requires a strong ethical foundation, especially in today’s complex healthcare environment. In our Nursing Ethics department, we examine the ethical challenges nurses encounter, through thoughtful and rigorous frameworks.

Our research is committed to supporting nurses in fostering meaningful relationships with those they care for, helping individuals lead healthier lives and peaceful end-of-life. Through this work, we strive to enhance nursing practice and contribute to the well-being of all people.

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Research and Education


We engage in a wide array of research activities, collaborating internationally and domestically. Our focus is on nursing and clinical ethics, particularly in developing models that support decision-making for people facing serious health challenges. We also explore culturally sensitive approaches to person-centered care and shared decision-making in various healthcare contexts.

Our Research Areas Include:

Person-Centered Decision-Making Support: Creating models for informed healthcare decisions, including advance care planning (ACP).

Ethics Education: Developing educational programs for healthcare professionals.

Clinical Ethics Consultations: Supporting ethical issues in clinical practice.

Research Ethics: Upholding ethical standards in nursing research.


We are dedicated educators, offering courses that build essential clinical skills, promote collaborative care planning, and deepen students’ understanding of nursing ethics. In our graduate programs, we focuse on decision-making support, ACP, ethics in end-of-life care, and research ethics. We also provide continuing education and training programs for healthcare professionals.

Recent Publications

Our work has been published in esteemed journals and books, contributing to the ongoing development of nursing ethics. Here are a few of our recent publications:

  1. Takenouchi, S. (2024). Advance Care Planning to Bring Peace of Mind to Patients: A Nurse’s Perspective. In Advance Care Planning in the Asia Pacific (pp. 473-483).
  2. Mori, M., Lin, C. P., Cheng, S. Y., Suh, S. Y., Takenouchi, S., Ng, R., Chan, H., Kim, S. H., Chen, P. J., Yuen, K. K., Fujimori, M., Yamaguchi, T., Hamano, J., Kizawa, Y., Morita, T., & Martina, D. (2023, Jun). Communication in Cancer Care in Asia: A Narrative Review. JCO Glob Oncol, 9(9), e2200266.
  3. Tamura, Y., Nishiyama, C., Takenouchi, S., Sato, R., Kiyohara, K., & Nin, K. (2023). Development and effectiveness of an end-of-life care program for faculty in the critical care field: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 25(4), 178-187.
  4. Takenouchi, S., Chikada, A., Mori, M., Tamura, K., & Nin, K. (2022). Strategies to understand what matters to advanced cancer patients in advance care planning: A qualitative study using the lifeline interview method.Journal of hospice and palliative nursing: JHPN: the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, 24(4), E135–E143.
  5. Chikada A, Takenouchi SNin K, Mori M. (2021) Definition and recommended cultural considerations for advance care planning in Japan: A systematic review. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing,8(6):628-638. doi: 10.4103/apjon.apjon-2137. eCollection 2021 Nov-Dec.


Associate Professor: Sayaka Takenouchi, R.N., Ph.D., M.P.H., FAAN.
Email: takenouchi.sayaka.6u“at”
(Please replace “at” with @.)


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